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Friends Forum

Guest Speaker – Denis Renaud
“The Bracelet of HarryEdward Fox” 
A Case Study for Canadian Battlefield Archeology”
A bracelet found in a slit trench in Normandy in 2014 led to the identification of Harry Edward Fox, a Canadian Gunner who fought during the Second World war and returned to Canada.
Denis Renaud identified this soldier in 2017 and connected with his family. Sadly, Harry passed away in 2005. In 2023,
Denis Renaud published the biography of Harry Edward Fox, recalling his war story and the archaeological description of the dig in Normandy. In this scope, this discovery is a case study for Canadian Battlefield Archaeology.

Denis Renaud is an archaeologist and has been teaching archaeology at the University of Ottawa since 2003.

His interest in the military started as a young child and this childhood hobby became his passion. In 2008, his book of short stories about French-Canadian soldiers was published in France.

His field of research shifted from his initial specialization in ancient Greece after completing a degree in battlefield archaeology in Paris in 2013. Over the years, he participated in digs in Greece, France, and Canada.

He lives in Gatineau (Aylmer) and works in Ottawa


February 20, 2025

1:30 - 3:00


CWM Ateliers Rooms C&D

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