Friends Forums

Friends Virtual Forum – March 2nd, 7 – 8pm (ET)

Guest Speaker Dr. Sean M. Maloney
Professor of History 
Royal Military College of Canada
Part II
The Russo-Ukraine War: The Prequel
EMail: for Zoom link. Register before Feb 28th

Dr. Sean M. Maloney is a Professor of History at Royal Military College of Canada and served as the Historical Advisor to the Chief of the Land Staff during the war in Afghanistan. He previously served as the historian for 4 Canadian Mechanized Brigade, the Canadian Army’s primary Cold War NATO commitment. 
Dr. Maloney has extensive field experience in the Balkans, particularly in Croatia, Bosnia, Kosovo and Macedonia from 1995 to 2001. His work on the Balkans was interrupted by the 9 – 11 attacks.
From 2001 Dr. Maloney focused on the war against the Al Qaeda movement and its allies, particularly on the Afghanistan component of that war. He traveled regularly to Afghanistan from 2003 to 2014 to observe and record coalition operations in that country and was the first Canadian military historian to go into combat since the Second World War. 
He has authored 19 books, seven of which deal with the Afghanistan war, as well as the controversial Canada and UN Peacekeeping: Cold War by Other Means, 1946-1970 and Learning to Love the Bomb: Canada’s Cold War Strategy and Nuclear Weapons 1951-1970. 
After returning to the Royal Military College, Dr. Maloney has focused on the Cold War, releasing Deconstructing Dr. Strangelove: The Secret History of Nuclear War Films this year. Soon to follow in its wake is Emergency War Plan: The American Doomsday Machine, 1945-1960, a reconstruction and analysis of nuclear war plans in the 1950s.


March 2, 2023

7 - 8 pm

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