
FCWM Newsletters


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June 2024 Newsletter

After four years of German occupation, the Allied Forces of Canada, Great Britain, France and United States executed a complex and risky invasion of France to begin the march to unconditional surrender of Germany. Allied Forces invaded Western Europe along an 80-kilometre front in Normandy, France during a weather window on June 6th, 1944. Of the nearly 150,000 Allied troops who landed or parachuted into the invasion area, 14,000 were Canadian. The Canadians assaulted a…

May 2024 Newsletter

The Artist in Residency Programis financially supported by theFriends of theCanadian War Museum From Banff, Alberta, Elise Findlay, a visual artist, was selected by the Canadian War Museum to be its first Artist in Residency Program candidate. Graduating with distinction in 2023 and honoured with the prestigious Board of Governor’s Award at the Alberta University of the Arts, Elise Findlay distinguished herself through her work that delves into the exploration of community, place, identity, and the…

April 2024 Newsletter

William Barker was born on a family farm near Dauphin, Manitoba on November 3rd, 1894. When war broke out in 1914, Barker initially enlisted in the infantry, joining the First Canadian Mounted Rifles, where he saw action in the Ypres salient in Belgium. In March 1916, he transferred to the Royal Flying Corps where he became a fighter pilot of exceptional talent. When the Royal Air Force was formed in April 1918, Barker continued to…

March 2024 Newsletter

Women’s History MonthWomen in the Canadian Military During the First World War (1914–1918), more than 2,800 women served as nurses in the Canadian military. During the Second World War (1939–1945), that number grew, with around 50,000 women serving in non-combat roles. Women served as nurses, the only military role available to them in the First World War. They worked in a variety of medical units in Canada and overseas, ranging from convalescent hospitals located far…

February 2024 Newsletter

From Banff, Alberta, Elise Lavallee Findlay, a visual artist, was selected by the Canadian War Museum to be its first Artist in Residency Program candidate. Launched last fall on the War Museum’s website, the Program was open to emerging artists from across the country. Over 60 applications were submitted from all regions of the country, but it was Elise Lavallee Findlay who caught the jury’s eye and will have the opportunity to present her work…

January 2024 Newsletter

At the December 2023 in person Friends Board of Directors Meeting, the board was pleased to present a donation of $100,000 to Jim Whitham, Director General and Vice President of the Canadian War Museum. This donation could not have been possible without the generous contributions of our supporters: Thank You.   The tradition of honouring a member of the Friends of the Canadian War Museum who has demonstrated commitment and enthusiasm for their work to the…

December 2023 Newsletter

The Friends wish our loyal members, donors and readers of its Newsletter a Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays. Soldiers of Alpha Company, 1st Battalion, The Royal Canadian Regiment Battle Group enjoy Christmas dinner at Forward Operating Base Ma’Sum Ghar, Afghanistan, on December 25, 2006. Canadian Air Task Force Lithuania personnel deliver gifts to the Šiauliai City Baby’s Orphanage in Lithuania on December 18, 2014, during Operation Reassurance.

November 2023 Newsletter

In 1897 Rudyard Kipling (1865-1936) composed a poem entitled,“Recessional,” where he reminds readers not to forget what is not to be obliterated. In the poem, he underscores the phrase “lest we forget”: God of our fathers, known of old,Lord of our far-flung battle-line,Beneath whose awful Hand we holdDominion over palm and pine—Lord God of Hosts, be with us yet,Lest we forget—lest we forget! During the transition of the seasons from autumn to winter, we individually and collectively…

October 2023 Newsletter

A Day of Extraordinary Bravery at Passchendaele Four Heroic Canadians Awarded the Victoria Cross In A Single Day   October 30, 1917, marked the renewal of the Canadian assault on Passchendaele. After a one-day pause for the two lead divisions to switch brigades, the 3rd and 4th Canadian Divisions continued their advance uphill. On this day there were countless demonstrations of bravery, but four Canadians would be recognized for their exceptional courage during this most…

September 2023 Newsletter

Born in Vancouver, British Columbia, Raymond Moriyama would become one of Canada’s most renowned architects. The Second World War would bring many dark moments in Canadian history, but none more than the internment of Japanese Canadians. Raymond, his mother and two sisters would join 22,000 other Japanese Canadians who would be forcefully interned for the duration of the war. While being interned in the Slocan Valley of British Columbia, Raymond constructed his first project; a treehouse that became his…

July 2023 Newsletter

July 27, 2023, marks the 70th anniversary of the signing of the Korean Armistice Agreement, which ended over three years of fighting on the Korean Peninsula. The Korean War commenced on June 25, 1950, when North Korean troops invaded South Korea. Under the auspices of the United Nations, the United States sponsored a “police action” resolution for international action to support South Korea. The US State Department coordinated the contribution of 16 countries to this effort, of…

June 2023 Newsletter

Canadian Army Film and Photo Unit On June 19, 1941, the Canadian Army created a special unit to document Canada’s role in the Second World War. The seventy-six still and motion photographers who made up the Canadian Army Film and Photo Unit ensured that the war would be told from a Canadian perspective. The unit was tasked with “providingminformational and inspirational material for the maintenance of public morale and the stimulation of recruiting” and keeping…